Many of you will be traveling by auto over this Thanksgiving holiday. And many will be bringing along those four-footed family members. Here are five easy tips to make the trip fun for everyone.
– Feed a small meal at least two hours prior to “take off”. This allows time for the digestive process to start and alleviates motion nausea. Don’t forget to bring enough of their food for the entire trip and water from home to transition to a different water source.
– Give them a quick spritz of Bach Rescue Remedy for Animals by mouth shortly before the trip. This tried and true combination of flower essences is calming and now specially formulated for animals without an alcohol base. It’s readily available at many pet shops, health food stores and groceries.
– If you have an extremely anxious dog, Thundershirts work wonders. They’re based on Tellington Touch anxiety wraps and made to fit and stay on comfortably. Available at many pet shops. In a pinch, you can use a towel wrapped (not so tight as to impede circulation) around your dog’s torso. This contact has an instant calming effect.
– Be sure that your cat or dog is safely secured and, if you choose to open windows, just a crack. Crate or seat belt. They may be the best behaved animals in the car but in the event of a fender bender, you want them to stay safe and sound.
– ID, ID, ID! Visible collar ID with your cell phone and land line numbers. You can even have quick and easy temporary tags made up that say something to the effect of “if you’ve found me, I’m lost – please call: #”. This is the first thing a good Samaritan is going to search.
Have tips you’d like to share with others? – please do! And have a safe, fun and happy Thanksgiving!