Putting pets on locavore (and carnivore) diet plan


Carole King of Marshall heard the same refrain from clients of Doggie Dooty, her pet-sitting and dog-walking business.

She had been offering them nutritional counseling for their dogs and cats, and customizing formulas so they could make their own raw pet food.

But they continued to beg her, “Can you make this for us?” said King.

Now she has.

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Washington City Paper: Area Woman Brings Raw Food Diet to Pets

From the Washington City Paper:

It took two deaths for Carole King to decide to sell raw dog food.

First her dog Russ died. She blamed his dry-dog-food diet for aggravating his anemia. Then veterinarians diagnosed her cat Woody with lymphoma and gave him 3 months to live. Woody had been on a raw-meat diet for a year. He lived for two more years.

“Up to his last day he was eating,” she said.

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The Fauquier Times: Local, whole foods make new raw pet food healthy

From the Fauquier Times:

Several years ago, Carole King became increasingly concerned about the safety and nutritional value of the food she was feeding her beloved pets.

A long-time animal lover, King ran Doggie Dooty, a pet sitting and midday dog-walking business that served clients in Fauquier and Loudoun counties for 12 years. She encountered many pets with a variety of health issues, and some of her own menagerie of pets also suffered with various illnesses, all of which inspired King to find healthier meal options.

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